Sunday, March 6, 2011

The infamous Hoppie scout skit

Jeff and I were too young to remember actually performing.  I only remember Kelly's barf part. How did it go again?  Anyway, I stumbled on this photo and thought about our old stake in California and the wonderful people there.  If you remember your part, comment on it below.  Love Ya-Dan

The words were...We are daily boyscouts as you can plainly see, but if I weren't a boyscout:
Craig: "a farmer I would be...and as you pass me by, you would hear me cry....there's a cow and there's a cow and there's another YUCK!!!"
Kelly: " a stewardess I would be... and as you pass me by, you would hear me tea or milk sir here's your paper bag...BARF!!"
Kim: "a bird watcher I would be...and as you pass me by, you would hear me cry...Hark a lark flying cross the park...SPLAT!!!"
Pam:  "a carpenter I would be...and as you pass me by, you would hear me cry...Two by four and nail it to the floor."

Don't remember anymore than that....
Life's most entertaining moments....

1 comment:

  1. Hello! When & where did this skit take place? I ask because I saw a version of this skit around 30 years ago, performed by Stanford students who were working for the summer at Huntington Lake, in the Sierras east of Fresno.
    For years I've been looking for information on this skit, or folksong, or whatever it is, and I found your blog entry by a net search today. Any information would be appreciated!
